October 14, 2024

3 Quick Things You Can Do Today

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

Chinese Proverb

Helen Keller

Happiness must not at all times come from big things and events. It can come from smaller, day by day habits too.

So today I’d simply prefer to share 3 quick suggestions and habits that help me to live a happier life.

1. Start by setting a low bar for happiness.

When you get up within the morning tell yourself: “Set a low bar for happiness today.”

When I tell myself this and take a look at to maintain it in mind throughout the day I appreciate things more.

The food, my work, the weather, the small events of the day becomes not on a regular basis stuff but something I feel joyful to have.

The small things or what could also be something one takes as a right becomes something I now often pause for a moment or two to soak up and appreciate.

But if I turn out to be happier in my on a regular basis life for the smaller things does that mean that I turn out to be unmotivated to maintain working towards the larger things?

Not in my experience.

This way of my life as a substitute fuels me with more energy and inspiration, life becomes lighter and I feel less inner resistance as I explore and work towards each small and greater things.

I like to recommend to offer this one a attempt to to see how it really works for you.

And to make use of a reminder in your phone or on paper so that you’ll more easily keep that low bar on the forefront of your mind.

2. Help someone out.

Helping someone out is one among simplest but in addition one of the powerful things one can do to live a joyful life.

How are you able to help someone out? By giving them value in some form.

Here are a handful of ideas for the right way to try this.

Offering some practical help.

With for instance work, moving houses or cooking dinner.

Giving some good advice.

People may not at all times want advice but in the event that they ask then give your best advice based in your experience.


The comfort of 1 hug or more could make the opposite person’s situation a minimum of a bit higher.

Encourage someone.

There is way discouragement on the planet. So as a substitute, be an exception and encourage people to consider in themselves and what they need to do.

Just listen.

Sometimes people don’t want any help. They just need to vent or for somebody to listen as they figure things out and release pent up emotions.

It may not look like much but it may well be an immense help for somebody who needs it. So be there fully – don’t sit there enthusiastic about something else – and listen.

Put things into perspective.

It’s easy to get wrapped up in an issue and to make a mountain out of a molehill. But you will help out by adding your perspective.

The two of you possibly can speak about it, perhaps laugh about it and even find the hidden opportunity throughout the problem that in a single person’s head can have almost gave the look of the sky was falling.

And remember to pat yourself on the back and appreciate yourself for helping someone out. Do not brush it off or make it smaller than it’s.

Pause and take a moment to quietly reflect on how you probably did something good.

3. Be kind to yourself.

Being kind to yourself is a really helpful thing for healthy self-esteem and for living a happier life.

There are in fact some ways to be kinder to yourself, but listed below are three good ones that I’ve found to be powerful.

Change your input to things which are kind and constructive.

Destructive messages from the people around you or from people further away akin to media, promoting and society typically doesn’t assist you to to be kind to yourself.

So, little by little, replace them with other day by day and weekly input.

It might be the encouragement of family and friends and the assistance from someone close who has been in a situation that you just are in now.

It might be practical personal development books and blogs that assist you to out with real solutions to the challenges you face and the goals you need to achieve.

Or it might be to spend more time in nature and in silence to calm down and recharge yourself.

Compare yourself to yourself.

Comparing what you may have and your results to what other people have and have completed can really kill your motivation and keep your self-esteem at a low level.

There are at all times people ahead of you.

So give attention to you.

On what you may have completed. And on how you possibly can and have improved your results.

This is essential since it’s a fantastic motivator to see how much you may have improved and the way far you may have come.

Give yourself a break.

I sometimes hear that you need to at all times be positive or at all times be winning or working towards your goal. That may sound inspirational in theory.

But reality will not be ideal or perfect and neither are you and I.

Life gets in the best way sometimes. You may get in your personal way. And sometimes you just don’t have the energy or the courage or the time to do something.

And that’s OK.

Instead of attempting to live as much as some perfect image that other people and/or you might press upon you, decide to set human standards for yourself.

Choose to offer yourself a break when things don’t go as you could have wished and decide to cut yourself some slack.


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