October 14, 2024
Dating Tips

7 Qualities Mature, High-Value Men Look For in a Woman

Most women complain there aren’t any good men on the market because they don’t understand one easy truth: 

Different things attract high-value and low-value men. 

For most men, all you’ve gotten to do is look good for them to make a move on you. But if you should keep a mature, intelligent, high-value man, it’s a special ball game entirely. Just merely looking good never does it.

I’ve seen guys pass on gorgeous-looking ladies because she struck them as superficial, immature, egotistical, entitled, childish, insecure, etc. 

What I’ve noticed is that these women think just looking good is sufficient to keep a superb guy. 

Subconsciously, they’ve assumed that every one the eye they steadily get from a number of guys qualifies them as high value, and as such, they don’t have to put in any effort to get men. 

This doesn’t work for a high-value man. 

Mature men don’t follow conventional beauty standards. They’re not searching for trophy wives or quick hookups. This is why their standards are different. Here are the most important things they appear out for. 

1. The right assets 

A girl who thinks sex is the one thing she needs to supply in a relationship cannot attract intelligent, high-value men. She’ll only get the eye of f*ck boys who will use her and dump her after they get bored with her body. 

A high-value man has a special set of priorities because his goal with you is long-term. 

He wants someone who has something invaluable to bring to the table, someone who will have the ability to supply good advice on necessary stuff when the necessity comes. Not someone who only knows how one can slay on Instagram and watch Netflix all day. 

Intelligent men need a woman who’s captivated with something. He doesn’t want someone who’s laid back and waiting for him to ‘perform’ the duty of a ‘provider’ for her.

A sensible woman isn’t nearly getting money from different guys. She isn’t entitled to anybody’s wealth. She has an independent mindset, and that’s what mature, intelligent guys want. 

2. She doesn’t play games 

She doesn’t wait round her phone for five hours before replying to your text, nor does she give confusing signs about her interest in him. 

Mature men don’t have time for games. They won’t stress themselves attempting to figure you out once you keep giving them a cluster of red and green flags simply to confuse them intentionally. He’ll simply see you as immature or untrustworthy. 

A high-value man has a life to live, and he has purposeful things to take care of. Unnecessary mind games will only bore him and make him lose interest quickly. 

Only men who don’t know themselves fall for manipulative mind games. They’re those that can chase harder when a lady ignores them. Their ego is tied to the chase, and a few women don’t mind using these sorts of men to be ok with themselves. 

Mature women, then again, know what they need. They won’t stress the fitting man by deliberately ignoring him or playing hard to get. And mature men understand this. 

Related: How to Make a Man Want You Bad

3. A daring and mature mindset 

Many insecure ladies hide under the pretense of indifference after they meet a person. 

They won’t make eye contact, and so they won’t even try to hold a conversation when the person initiates it. Some men take this kind of negligence from ladies as an enormous blow to their egos. They torture themselves for not having the social skill to get a lady’s attention. They take all of the blame. 

But here’s what most men don’t realize: 

A good man with good intentions won’t ever be ignored or disrespected by a mature woman. She knows what she wants, and he or she isn’t afraid of holding an easy conversation with you. 

She won’t hide insecurities under the disguise of disrespecting or ignoring the person in front of her. 

I’ve come across beautiful ladies who make a move on a person they find attractive. And contrary to popular belief, they often find yourself having an ideal relationship with these guys. 

And the most important reason for that is that each high-value man appreciates a daring woman. It’s only immature men that can quickly take you with no consideration since you made a move on them. 

4. She’s chilled about being vulnerable 

Most high-value men aren’t at all times looking out attempting to hook up with every other lady they arrive across. 

Most of the time, you’ll see them going about their business not giving a f*ck in regards to the pretty lady beside them. This is why most girls often complain about never being approached by the nice guys. 

High-value men will rarely approach random girls in public. That’s just the way it is. They understand that guys at all times making the move, paying for lunch, and impressing the girl are only old garbage. 

And intelligent, mature women don’t mind turning the tables. They’ll strike up a conversation, and even ask the guy to hang around. 

Some girls think this makes them come off as low cost. But it really relies on the style of guy you do it with. Personally, my respect for you immediately increases in case you’re mature and daring enough to strike up a conversation with me as a girl.  

And I’m sure any high-value man thinks the identical. 

Interesting: 6 Practical Steps to Make a Man Fall Deeply In Love With You

5. She’s an enticing conversationalist 

Only insecure guys think it’s their duty to maintain a conversation interesting, funny, and worthwhile. 

Real men know that everybody has to contribute. 

I’ve come across immature girls who will project their boring personalities onto the poor man in front of them, making him feel like he’s boring when the truth is, it’s her that hasn’t contributed anything to the conversation. Intelligent men can’t stand girls like this. 

Every high-value man appreciates a witty woman. He wants someone who can provide a superb response to the things he says. 

He wants a lady who can animatedly tell good stories, who doesn’t go blank on him because she thinks boring conversations are at all times the fault of fellows. 

You’ll never have a boring date with an intelligent woman. 

6. She reads greater than she gossips 

Smart women read because they need to improve themselves. And intelligent men love them because a lady who reads has her priorities straight. She doesn’t waste her time on mundane stuff. 

She has a broad perspective on various things. When she argues, it isn’t emotional. Conversations along with her are fun and infrequently stuffed with wisdom. She draws lessons from throughout her. 

She doesn’t just need to discuss fashion and get on TikTok trends. She sincerely understands the importance of investing in herself.

A high-value woman doesn’t avoid responsibility. She doesn’t just need to have all of it easy. She isn’t entitled. She desires to do something difficult and meaningful too. 

7. She has standards 

Some women will throw themselves at a random wealthy guy who can spend money on her but treat her like trash. They think they’ve high standards. But in point of fact, their standards are right down to zero. 

A high-value woman won’t lose herself just because a man got here out of a flashy automobile. She understands what truly matters in a person. She looks on the character. 

She knows how she deserves to be treated, and he or she won’t accept less. Money doesn’t blind her because she’s also high-value. She won’t jump right into a relationship with anyone only for the sake of being in a relationship. 

A high-value woman isn’t desperate for a relationship. She looks for necessary stuff like shared values, mutual love, trust, etc., because she’s searching for something serious. 

Mature people won’t stress you

These are qualities high-value men and girls search for in one another, and it’s no wonder why. 

When you’re mature, you get sick of the entire drama insecure men and girls carry around with them. 

Some people will use their insecurities and immaturity to frustrate you. If you don’t have time for drama, then it is best to also upgrade your standards from the common ephemeral qualities most individuals on the market get carried away with. You’ll be joyful you probably did. 

Also read: How to Attract and Date High-Value Men

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