October 14, 2024

What Is the Difference Between Stonewalling and Gaslighting?

In any relationship, it’s natural to come across challenges and conflicts. But what happens when those conflicts turn toxic? 

Gaslighting and stonewalling aren’t the same thing, but each can wreak havoc on a relationship. It’s crucial to grasp the difference between these two behaviors so that you could resolve tips on how to react when or in the event that they show up in your relationship.

What is gaslighting?

Gaslighting is a type of emotional abuse.

Gaslighting involves manipulating someone’s perception of reality, and deliberately causing them to doubt their sanity, thoughts, feelings, and memories. This insidious type of emotional abuse can result in self-loathing, anxiety, and doubting one’s own mental stability.

The term originates from the play Gaslight, written by Patrick Hamilton in 1938. It is a story about Bella and Jack, set in 1880 London. Playgoers realize instantly that Jack shouldn’t be a superb guy. He flirts with staff in front of Bella, leaves the home without explanation, and is mostly rude and dismissive. 

As the play progresses, it seems there’s a mysterious disappearance of an opera singer (who used to live upstairs). Jack starts trying to find the starlett’s jewels and acts incredulous when Bella mentions she hears footsteps above her. The plot thickens as Jack starts randomly turning their gas lamp lights on and off, and then denies it. He attempts to persuade Bella she is insane. 

You’ll must see the play to learn what happens next, but the necessary takeaway from this story is that Jack’s behavior is deliberate and intentional. Not only does he deceive her, but he lies to her with the premeditated intention of upending her mental stability. This is what gaslighting is.

What To Do If There is Gaslighting in Your Relationship

Emotional abuse must be taken extremely seriously and requires immediate assessment and intervention from a licensed skilled. 

If you suspect that your partner is consistently, deliberately attempting to make you’re feeling like you’re out of touch with reality, we recommend reaching out for help. You can call 988 in case you live in the United States or visit the Gottman Referral Network to search out a therapist near you. 

What is Stonewalling?

Unlike gaslighting, stonewalling is a maladaptive defense mechanism versus a type of emotional abuse

Dr. John Gottman uses the term to define one in every of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. His research indicates that stonewalling results in relationship dissatisfaction, separation and divorce. 

Stonewalling is a behavior characterised by one partner withdrawing from interaction, shutting off emotionally, and discontinuing communication.

When someone is stonewalling, to others they often appear indifferent and normally have a blank expression on their face. They might appear callous or uncaring. It will be very hurtful to look up and see what appears to be an emotionless response if you end up talking to your partner; especially in case you are being emotionally vulnerable. You might wonder in case your partner is even listening or cares what you’re feeling.

But stonewalling shouldn’t be because it appears. 

What we all know from the research is that when someone is stonewalling, regardless that they could appear calm on the outside, internally, they’re in a state of fight, flight, or freeze. Stonewalling is the freeze response to perceived danger. Heart-rates are well over 100 beats per minute, accompanied by difficulty respiration, muscle tension and internal panic.

What To Do if There is Stonewalling in Your Relationship

The solution to relational stonewalling is simple in concept, but difficult to practice in on a regular basis life.

There is just one thing to do, and that’s to take a timeout. 

It is emotionally dangerous to proceed conversation when one or each parties are triggered. If you retain talking, you or your partner might do and say stuff you regret. When you are taking a brief break, each of you possibly can catch your breath, do some self-care, and then return to the conversation if you’re calm. 

Usually one partner wants to maintain talking while the other wants space. In order for a time-out to be effective, each parties must commit to disconnecting and then reconnecting. When you learn tips on how to do that in your relationship, you possibly can avoid the unnecessary pain that happens from continuing an unproductive conversation. 

Next Steps

It takes time to scale back stonewalling in your relationship, however it is feasible. Be patient with yourself and your partner as you’re employed to implement this strategy. If you’re the sort of couple who like worksheets and cheat sheets, you possibly can download a free copy of chapter 7 of my workbook which incorporates a Time-Out Planning Exercise to make it easier to avoid stonewalling in your relationship. 

Congratulations in your commitment to relationship health and thanks for reading this text 🙂

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