October 13, 2024

What You Learn From Love and Loss

This is an open letter to you. This is an open letter to anyone. These words may be used for whomever, at any time when, wherever. Let these words assist you, as they’ve helped me.

1. You Deserve Good Love

First a foremost, you’re worthy of a breath-taking, heart-stopping, and life-changing form of love. One way or one other when a relationship ends, you learn that you just deserve this type of love. Perhaps your partner was unable to provide you this type of love or perhaps they were capable of, but it surely still needed to end. Either way, you learn that you just deserve essentially the most enriching and fulfilling love.

2. You Should Always Be The First Choice

When someone loves you, you change into the priority. You are the ‘first choice’. After a loving relationship ends, you learn that it’s best to never accept ‘second choice’ in one other relationship. Loving someone and being loved in return can show you that your love should at all times be the one on top.

3. Your Love Was Worth It

Regardless of the way it ended, your love was value it. Everything you learned, the whole lot you lost was value it ultimately. Loving one other is a really beautiful experience, but it surely’s higher to have had these feelings than to never have felt them before.

4. Your Shared Moments Are Still Valuable

The time that you just spent together with your love remains to be glad. Don’t cloud it with sadness. The memories you made and the adventures you had are still dazzling and wonderful. There is value in these moments, even in the event that they are previously.

5. Your Love Felt Good

At the tip of the day, you were loved. Someone truly and wholeheartedly loved you. And guess what? You loved them as well. Your love was fun, it was sweet, and it was comfortable. It felt good. Never doubt that.

6. Your Love Won’t Vanish

As tragic because it is, you’ll always remember your past love. Instead of attempting to block your partner out of your mind, embrace who you were and the way you felt. Open your arms to the probabilities of the longer term, but at all times remember where you got here from and who held your heart for a transient time period.

7. Never Regret The Love You Shared

Not for one minute do you have to regret your love. You were loved. How incredible is that? Your love was something beautiful. It was something raw and passionate. Why would you regret a time when someone’s presence made you are feeling like you possibly can soar above the clouds?

8. You Will Love Again

Loving someone shows you which you can love. You did it. You were vulnerable and shared parts of your soul with one other. With time, you possibly can do it again.

9. Always Work Towards A Love That Is Reciprocated 

Loving someone and being loved in return teaches you that it’s best to at all times search for ‘two-way-street- relationships’. Meaning, you learn that you need to be with someone who each gives and takes (not only one or the opposite).

10. The Right VS. The Easy 

When someone loves you, it feels as if anything is feasible. Yet, when a relationship ends you wonder what on earth happened. Simply put, even in the event you love one another sometimes life gets in the best way. There will come a time while you selected to do something since it is the precise thing to do, even when it isn’t the simplest thing to do.

11. Love Your Emotions After It Ends, Even If They Are Ugly And Overwhelming

It is heartbreaking to like someone after which watch it end. Let yourself sink into this sadness. Let your tears stream down your face, let your snot construct up after which blow all of it out, and let your face feel puffy. Expel this sadness out, let it ooze out of your pores. It’s okay and also you might be okay.

12. Your Identity Exists Without Them

It’s hard to recollect this when every photo, every story, and each memory seems to revolve around them. Yet, learn that your identity is one which is whole. You were never half an individual while you were with them. In your relationship you were whole and also you left your relationship whole as well. Your identity is your individual, you don’t need to choose up the pieces once they are already all there.

13. They Saw Something In You, You Better To See It Too

Let a old flame show you that somebody thought you were utterly and unequivocally special. They loved every insecurity and each silly thought you had about yourself. Even after things are over, never query your value or your identity. You are exceptional, you usually have been and you usually might be.

14. The Ending Isn’t The End

Despite whatever movie told you otherwise, old flame doesn’t at all times need to remain previously. You can reinvent what this love means and the way it’s expressed. The end isn’t the ending for you and it’s not the tip for them. It’s an adjustment as you reevaluate what your recent normal becomes.

15. Love Who You Are Becoming

You are a shining star. Your old flame showed you find out how to feel this fashion. Love that you just have gotten stronger, wiser, and more sure of yourself. While you learn so many things from someone who used to like you, it’s paramount that you just recognize the love you once shared and in return learn to eternally love who you’re becoming.

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