October 13, 2024

How to Stay Positive at Work: 22 Helpful Tips

Three women with laptops laughing.
It’s not all the time easy to remain positive at work.

Sometimes since it’s Monday and also you’re drained and would love one other weekend immediately.

At other times since it’s Wednesday and you’re performing some boring routine work or you’re being dragged down by negative attitudes around you.

So in today’s post I’d wish to share my top 22 suggestions that help me to have and maintain a positive attitude while I work (and that usually helps me in my private life too when things get tough).

I hope the following pointers will enable you to be a positive person in your workplace and in addition spread the positive vibes to the people around you to make it a more enjoyable and successful experience.

1. Get your day began the suitable way.

Your morning routine and the way you begin the day tends to set the tone for that day.

A stressed and hurried morning with negative news as you eat breakfast can set a negative tone for that whole day.

A slow and unstressed begin to your day with uplifting conversations over the breakfast table or a positive podcast in your ears as you ride the bus can then again set a positive tone for the remaining of your day.

So discover a routine that lifts you and your spirits as much as have a more optimistic and constructive day at work. One where you furthermore may feel strong to have the ability handle negative or difficult situations.

2. Protect your positive mindset from negative people.

No matter should you’ve began your day in a positive way, that may quickly be derailed by negative energy flowing in as you get to work.

Here’s how you possibly can protect your mind and yourself from that:

Focus on minimizing.

You may never have the ability to completely remove negative energy and folks from influencing you at work. So deal with making small changes to step-by-step improve your every experience.

Spend less time with negative people.

And more of your time and energy with the positive people. Actually sit down and take into consideration this and make an inventory of the three most negative people and certainly one of the three most positive people.

This list will bring you clarity and enable you find easy ways in your on a regular basis life to shift the way you spend your time.

Take 1 minute for gratitude.

Ask yourself:

What are 3 things or people at work that I can be pleased about today and why?

Write down the answers on for instance your smartphone (I exploit the free Simplenote app).

Practice gratitude in this straightforward way every day – or no less than a few times every week – to maintain your deal with what’s positive in your workplace and to remain more proof against negative thoughts or words from others.

3. Refill your mind with positive energy.

An easy solution to further refuel your positive attitude – besides spending more time with the positive people – is to spend time with people and sources further away that uplift you.

You could for instance hearken to a positive podcast or music in your solution to and from work. And read a positive book or blog post in your break or if you may have some slow waiting time in the course of the day.

Positive attitudes are contagious, so use that to your advantage as best you possibly can so as to add more positivity to your day.

4. Plan on your day.

This will keep the stress down, enable you be more relaxed and focused and so it’ll be easier to maintain that positive attitude throughout your day.

Set realistic goals for the day and week. Because unrealistic expectations that you simply simply can’t match at the top of the day or work week will only make you are feeling bad and perform worse.

  • Use a limited to-do list. Prioritize your tasks for the day so that you simply start with a very powerful one and work your way down. Keep this list small to scale back stress and since things are inclined to take more time than we budget for.
  • Do a very powerful task very first thing within the day. This is usually the toughest task of the day too. But should you get it done then you definately’ll be ok with yourself, you’ll feel relieved and the remaining of the day will feel lighter.
  • Take regular breaks during your day. Otherwise you’ll perform and feel worse within the afternoon or at the top of the workweek. I often work for 45 minutes after which have a 5-10 minute break.

5. One thing at a time.

This easy sentence can enable you to maintain your focus – and your sanity – if things are hectic and stressful.

Plus, you’ll do a greater – and surprisingly often a quicker – job should you only focus fully on one task or step at a time.

6. Let your environment enable you keep your positive outlook.

Shape your physical workspace and, for instance, your phone and computer to create an encouraging and supportive space.

You could do this by adding:

  • Inspiring quotes or tips about a note in your workspace.
  • A small plant to have some relaxing greenery.
  • An image of family members and certainly one of your private goals akin to a dream destination you wish to travel to.

The last idea is a very good solution to remind yourself of your purpose for doing this job during tough times. It’s all the time good to maintain your most significant whys close by to simply refocus and refuel motivation.

If you possibly can’t keep them within the workspace for some reason then keep them in your phone or in a notebook in your work bag.

7. Help your co-workers and make them feel appreciated.

Build an upward spiral at work with kindness and a helping, grateful and positive attitude.

For example:

  • Help out with a practical task. Like fixing a setting for a pc program or carrying an additional bag to a gathering.
  • Express your gratitude. If something a few co-workers popped up within the your head in the course of the one minute gratitude exercise in tip #2 then express that to this person. It may not seem much to you but it could actually make their morning or whole week in the event that they are having a rough one.
  • Do a small act of kindness. Such as fetching a cup of coffee or a banana for them too.

These things make the times go by faster, make them more enjoyable and fun and improve morale and the positive attitude at work.

Plus, such kindness and help are inclined to flow back to you too in the long term and from most individuals.

8. Know make boring work more enjoyable (or acceptable).

No matter what job you may have, you often need to do some boring tasks.

But there are methods to make them more enjoyable. Or no less than more acceptable.

You can:

  • Focus on how good it’ll feel when the duty is completed. Instead of focusing a lot on the way it’s boring.
  • Make a take care of yourself. Set a timer for just 10 minutes after which get going with the duty. When the bell chimes you’re taking a break or get to work on something more interesting. Do tasks like these in smaller bursts to get through them relatively quickly. That’s quite a bit higher than procrastinating on them for hours or days.
  • Create a pleasurable distraction. Listen to the radio, to a podcast or some music. This and making a small take care of myself are frequently my combo to get boring tasks done.

9. Let your lunch time be a slow and relaxing break.

If you possibly can, let this natural midpoint to your day be a time of relaxing.

So, eat slowly. To make that easier, put the fork down between bites. Savor each bite.

Eating your lunch in a slower way like this may enable you release quite a little bit of stress. That’s no less than been my experience. And I do know that my afternoons are inclined to go higher if I’m going about things this fashion quite than if I wolf down my lunch quickly.

10. Don’t get caught up within the complaining trap.

Author Anne Lamott once wrote:

“Not forgiving is like drinking rat poison and then waiting for the rat to die.”

I feel the identical goes for complaining.

Yes, venting can actually be helpful. But do it for a bit. Don’t overdo it and don’t make it right into a routine daily or again and again every week.

Because it’ll hurt you greater than the people or belongings you complain about. Plus, people may start avoiding you because now they wish to protect their minds – as described in tip #2 – out of your bad attitude and that one person who just won’t stop complaining.

11. Be kind to yourself if you make a mistake (or have a setback).

It’s tempting and for lots of us a habit to beat ourselves up after we make a mistake or have a setback.

But I’ve found that a greater path forward is to be kind to yourself and to be constructive. You can do this by asking yourself questions like:

  • What is one thing I can learn from this setback?
  • How would my friend/parent support me and help me in this example? Then you do things and also you confer with yourself like she or he would.

12. Understand that other people’s negativity is usually not about you.

Some criticism is actually helpful to enhance and do a greater job. Some heated venting can absolutely enable you or your co-workers let go of stress and frustration.

But if a co-worker or boss makes it a habit of being negative concerning the job on a regular basis or critical of you then it is usually more about them than you. It’s them lashing out because they’re having trouble at home, because they don’t like their job anymore or because they’re having a nasty week or yr.

To lessen the sting of that, attempt to be understanding. Put it on them, not on who you’re or what you probably did. And, should you like, spend less time with that person and more with the positive people at work.

13. Use mindfulness to make your day lighter.

I find that going about my work in a mindful way helps quite a bit to maintain negative thoughts to a minimum and to more easily deal with what I would like to get done.

To work mindfully simply means to me that I’m fully in the current moment and focused on what I’m doing immediately. I don’t think concerning the past. I don’t take into consideration what I even have to do tomorrow.

A couple of suggestions that help me be more mindful are:

  • Slow down. When I’m going a bit slower it becomes easier to think and focus again. I feel less scattered.
  • Do one thing at a time. Multitasking tends to make me unfocused.
  • Take a 2 minute mindfulness break within the afternoon. I wish to clear my mind and reduce stress which will have built up by taking a small break within the afternoon. During these 2 minutes I sit or lie down. I close my eyes. And then I deal with taking deep breaths with my belly. And focus only on the air getting in and out and nothing else.

14. Know quick ways to destress and center yourself again.

If the stress is ramping up in the course of the day then it’s very helpful to already know what helps you the perfect to quickly reduce that before you get dragged down right into a negative funk.

A couple of of my favorites are:

  • The 2 minute mindfulness break. As described within the previous tip.
  • Remembering to really take my hourly breaks. Otherwise they won’t help.
  • Having a laughter break. Taking 3-5 minutes to observe something funny on Youtube or listening to a funny podcast.

15. Look at challenges as a solution to learn and grow.

I find that I feel quite a bit higher and more confident after I face the inevitable challenges at work with a growth mindset. The mindset that’s all about keeping on learning and keeping on growing to seek out recent knowledge, motivation and purpose within the work.

Rather than from the angle that I don’t want anything to alter and just stay in my comfort zone.

This is after all sometimes easier said than done.

But breaking down a challenge into small or tiny steps after which just doing and specializing in one step at a time could make it quite a bit easier and doesn’t mean that you may have to go too far outside of your comfort zone should you’re not up for it today or this week.

16. Celebrate each big and small successes.

Don’t just have fun big successes and achievements. Refuel your motivation and be a more positive person more consistently by celebrating those small successes too.

If you’ve for instance finished step one of a challenge or a brand new project then have fun that with a tasty snack or your favorite lunch.

17. Let a small waterfall of positive moments and achievements rain down on you.

If you’re having an uninspired or tough day then take 2 minutes to think back.

Vividly remember a few of your top moments and achievements at work. Maybe if you saved a client that had a giant problem and that point if you faced a challenge with a co-worker. Or if you won a sales competition or got glowing words of praise and an additional bonus.

You can even expand this exercise into your personal life and remember the way you’ve improved in your favorite sport or hobby or recall just a few of probably the most positive moments you’ve had along with your family or friends.

This will lift your spirits and get you right into a more optimistic headspace once more.

18. Keep a minimalistic and arranged workspace.

I find that if I keep a minimalistic and arranged workspace then it becomes easier to think clearly, to focus and I get less stressed or lost in overthinking things.

Because what’s happening on the skin tends to affect what’s occurring the within.

So my workspace accommodates a giant monitor and a small computer on an adjustable standing desk. I exploit a comfortable chair and frequently have a glass of water and a small pad of paper and a pen for my every day to-do list.

That’s it.

19. Do your best.

I’ve recently began reading this quote by author Don Miguel Ruiz every morning after breakfast:

This sets the suitable tone and aim for my day. And I find that working based on this piece of recommendation helps me to feel good at the top of the day.

20. Know what you possibly can control, and deal with that.

Don’t spend an excessive amount of energy on challenges that could be beyond you akin to some parts of how your organization work, the attitude of your most negative co-worker or that you may have to do some boring routine work during each week.

Instead, use your limited energy, willpower and a spotlight as best you possibly can to enhance upon the things you possibly can control.

And if none of the guidelines in this text and not one of the ones you or your family members can provide you with help out where you’re employed because the corporate culture is simply too stressful, the work environment is simply too toxic or since you’re sick and bored with the every day grind then possibly it’s time to make a change.

Time to check out what you possibly can control in this example and begin on the lookout for a brand new job where you’re prone to have a greater and more positive experience.

21. Have things to look ahead to.

It’s quite a bit easier to remain positive at work if you may have loads of things to look ahead to in your life.

Maybe it’s a date next week, a visit in the course of the summer or going fishing with friends in a few weeks.

And should you don’t have much occurring in your calendar immediately, then plan for one or two things to feel more excited again.

22. Have things outside of labor that recharge you and make you completely happy.

To have the ability to consistently stay positive in life and through your work hours you would like things outside of your work that recharge you and make you are feeling joy.

You need that work and life balance.

So don’t neglect your favorite hobby or sport. Don’t work an excessive amount of so that you don’t have enough time and energy for a night with friends or the weekend along with your family.

Make time and have energy to spare for these most significant things in life and also you’ll find that it’s easier to be positive about your work too.

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