October 13, 2024
Dating Tips

If A Guy Does These 12 Things, He Wants You To Chase Him

Sometimes, determining if a man wants you to chase him may be tricky. 

He might drop hints or act in certain ways to get your attention. Understanding these signs can assist you know if he’s interested and playing a bit of hard to get.

In this text, we’ll go over 12 clear signs that a man wants you to chase him. These signs will assist you see through his actions and understand his true intentions. 

Whether he’s being extra flirty or suddenly pulling away, knowing what to search for could make an enormous difference.

So, in case you’re inquisitive about whether that special someone wants you to make the primary move, keep reading. 

You’ll learn concerning the common behaviors and signals that guys use to point out they’re hoping you’ll chase after them.

1. He Keeps Things Vague

Sometimes a man won’t provide you with all the main points about his plans or what he’s pondering. 

By keeping things a bit mysterious, he might be attempting to spark your curiosity. 

This way, you would possibly end up asking more questions or attempting to figure him out, which suggests you’re putting in the trouble to chase him.

He might do things like discuss a cool event he’s going to, but not dive into the specifics, or he’ll mention he had a busy day without sharing what exactly made it busy. 

This lack of detail could make you more all in favour of learning more about him, encouraging you to interact more actively within the conversation.

2. He Responds but Doesn’t Initiate

When a man often replies to your texts or calls but rarely starts the conversation himself, it is likely to be an indication he wants you to chase him. 

He’s showing that he’s interested enough to reply, which keeps you hopeful and engaged. But by not initiating, he leaves the ball in your court, prompting you to achieve out first.

Each time you send a message first, it reinforces the dynamic where you’re the one keeping the connection alive. 

Over time, this may turn into a pattern where you’re doing many of the work in maintaining the connection. 

He gets to feel wanted without putting in as much effort, which may be exactly what he’s aiming for.

[Interesting: 12 Common Reasons Why Guys Suddenly Become Distant]

3. He Makes a Point of Showing You He’s Popular

Guys who need to be chased sometimes make it some extent to point out how popular they’re. 

They might share stories about hanging out with friends or talk concerning the fun parties they attend. 

He knows that by showing you he’s in demand socially, he seems more desirable, which could make you wish to be an element of that fun, dynamic social circle.

Additionally, by displaying his social popularity, he’s subtly telling you that he’s a catch, which could prompt you to work harder to catch his attention. 

You might end up competing for his time or attempting to stand out from others, which plays right into the chase he’s hoping for.

4. He Compliments You Often

A man might throw compliments your way pretty regularly if he’s hoping you’ll chase him. 

Compliments make you are feeling good and appreciated, right? 

So, naturally, it is advisable to keep that feeling going by staying connected with him. 

When he tells you ways great you might be, it’s like he’s inviting you to point out him that the sensation is mutual.

Every time he points out something he likes about you, whether it’s your style or the way you handle a situation, he’s not only being nice. 

He’s encouraging you to take into consideration him and the good things he says. This could make you more prone to need to impress him further.

[Also Read: 15 Romantic Things Guys Do When They’re Really Into You]

5. He’s Always Just a Little Out of Reach

You might notice that a man seems all the time only a bit too busy. 

Maybe he says yes to plans but often has to reschedule on the last minute. This may be frustrating, nevertheless it also keeps you guessing and hoping for the time when he’s finally free to hang around. It’s like he’s right there but all the time only a step away from being fully available.

His unpredictable availability keeps him in your mind, doesn’t it?

You might end up attempting to determine the very best time to catch him when he’s free, which suggests you’re putting in the trouble to see him, and that’s precisely the chase.

6. He Talks About His Achievements

Guys wanting to be chased will often highlight their very own successes. Maybe he talks a few big project at work or a goal he recently achieved. 

Hearing about his achievements could make him more attractive and intriguing. It’s like he’s showing off a bit, nevertheless it makes you wish to know more about what makes him tick.

As he shares these accomplishments, you would possibly feel drawn to his ambition and drive. 

It’s a way for him to shine in your eyes, prompting you to think highly of him and possibly work a bit harder to be a part of his successful life.

7. He Asks for Your Help

Asking for help could be a subtle way a man shows he wants you to chase him. 

Whether it’s advice on a call or help with a task, his requests to your input mean you’re involved in his life. He values your thoughts and desires you to feel essential to him.

By reaching out to your help, he keeps you engaged and feeling needed. 

You’re more prone to stay connected and invest time in someone who seems to depend on your expertise or skills, right? That’s him pulling you into his world.

8. He’s Quick to Show Off His Sense of Humor

A man who wants you to chase him often uses his humorousness to grab your attention. 

He might crack jokes or send funny memes your way. Humor is a fantastic tool—it breaks the ice and makes conversations fun and memorable. 

You find yourself looking forward to his texts or calls because they lift your spirits.

Laughing together creates a bond, right? So, each laugh shared is like an invisible thread pulling you closer to him. 

You begin to associate him with good times, and naturally, you would like more of that vibe in your life.

9. He Occasionally Plays Hard to Get

Notice how sometimes a man seems super interested, and other times he cools off? That’s him playing hard to get. 

One day he’s all into the conversation, sending messages non-stop. Then, suddenly, he might take some time to answer or seem less enthusiastic. 

It’s confusing but in addition form of makes you wish to determine what’s up.

This hot-and-cold behavior keeps you in your toes. The unpredictability is frustrating nevertheless it also sparks your interest. 

You might end up attempting to do things that get his attention back every time he pulls away.

10. He’s All About Making Last-minute Plans

Ever noticed how a man might spring plans on you on the last minute? It’s like he’s testing to see how eager you might be to satisfy up. 

By keeping plans spontaneous, he watches to see in case you’ll drop what you’re doing just to hang around with him.

Jumping at these sudden invites often shows him that you just’re willing to make him a priority. 

It’s his way of seeing how much sway he has in your life and yes, it’s one other tactic to maintain you chasing.

11. He Drops Hints About Being Interested in Other People

Sometimes, a man might mention other people who find themselves all in favour of him or he talks about past relationships. 

Mentioning others who find him attractive could make him seem more desirable. You hear that others are looking his way, and it would spark a little bit of competitiveness in you.

Hearing about others who like him could make you consider why they find him appealing and whether try to be paying more attention too. 

This can nudge you into showing more interest to make sure that you stand out in his eyes.

12. He Frequently Asks What You’re Up to

A man might often ask about your plans, not only to make conversation, but to gauge your availability. 

Each time he checks in to see what you’re doing, he’s subtly keeping tabs on how much free time you might have. 

This might look like casual chat, nevertheless it’s actually him determining in case you’re keeping busy or if there’s a probability for you to satisfy up.

Knowing your schedule lets him find perfect moments to suggest getting together, especially if he knows you’re free. 

It’s a clever option to make sure that he’s in your mind and to see in case you’ll find time for him in your busy life.

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