October 14, 2024

5 Concrete Signs You’re Emotionally Blocked

When it involves relationships, a lot of us have patterns and habits that may keep us from fully opening as much as the love we crave. Often, we’re our own worst enemies, and what’s standing in the best way of finding lasting love is ourselves. Emotional blockages, often stemming from past experiences, can prevent us

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11 Things (*11*) Mature Women Don’t Tolerate In A Relationship

When it involves love, emotional maturity matters lots. In fact, research has even shown that emotional maturity plays an enormous role in the standard and health of relationships since it helps couples navigate conflict resolution in addition to creates security inside a relationship. And because emotional maturity is so crucial for loving, secure partnerships, certain

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6 Ways Your Boyfriend Is Emotionally Cheating On You (And You Didn’t Even Realize It)

Emotional cheating covers a wide range of behaviors. In a monogamous romantic relationship, two people can determine what the boundaries of the connection are based on their very own comfort levels. However, there are particular behaviors that may generally fall into the category of emotional cheating and will be disrespectful no matter whether or not

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7 People Share How They Discovered Their Partner Was Emotionally Cheating

What counts as physical cheating in a relationship is pretty clear, but defining emotional cheating isn’t really easy. That’s because being close with people aside from your spouse(s) is “healthy and normal,” Vanessa Bradden, LMFT, owner of Lakeview Therapy Group in Chicago, tells SELF. It’s only when that closeness evolves into the form of non-physical

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6 Things Only People Raised By Emotionally Immature Parents Will Understand

(*6*) The category “emotionally immature parents” can include quite a lot of several types of parents. It can include parents who had children at a really young age and were thus wildly unprepared for parenting, parents who handled untreated mental health or substance abuse issues, and even parents with narcissistic traits. Here are six traits

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8 Things Emotionally Intelligent People Would Never Do In A Relationship

(*8*) Here are eight things emotionally intelligent people never do in relationships. 1. They don’t invalidate their partner. Emotional intelligence is defined as “the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.” One option to each understand and are likely to one other’s feelings is thru validation. Emotionally

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Emotionally Mature People Never Do These 3 Things In Relationships (But Narcissists Do)

A researcher specializing in narcissism and psychopathy shares the three red flags to distinguish emotionally mature people and narcissistic people in relationships. They don’t stonewall you or give the silent treatment. They don’t mistreat individuals who’ve treated them well.   People with emotional maturity exhibit healthy patterns of communication. They have integrity and transparency, but additionally

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How I Integrate Gottman Method Therapy and Susan Johnson’s Emotionally Focused Therapy in My Work With Couples

In the 1970’s and 1980’s, two pioneers in marital research were quietly gathering data on how one can create pleased lasting relationships. Dr. John Gottman’s and Dr. Susan Johnson’s research was initially known mostly amongst academic circles because therapists  were still afraid of doing couples therapy. Gottman’s and Johnson’s research brought an unprecedented empirical foundation

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4 Red Flags They’re Not Just Emotionally Unavailable – They’re A Narcissist

(*4*) A researcher specializing in narcissism reveals the 4 red flags you’re not coping with an emotionally unavailable person but somewhat a narcissist. The reasons narcissists get into relationships are different and way more sinister.  Emotionally unavailable people could also be unavailable due to a recent break-up, past traumas, or because they’re lacking in areas that may

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Dating Tips

16 Sure Signs You’re An (*16*) Intelligent Woman

Emotional intelligence is sort of a superpower that some people have. It’s not about being smart in the way in which you do math or remember facts from books.  Instead, it’s about being smart with feelings — each your personal and other people’s.  Think in regards to the friend who at all times knows what

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