October 13, 2024
Dating Tips

To Every Girl Who Loved the Wrong Guy

Once upon a time, your world was vivid, full of laughter and limitless hope.  You moved through life like a breeze, touching all the pieces with a spark of joy. You were the girl who could light up a room just by being in it. But then, all the pieces modified. He got here into

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Dating Tips

To The Woman Who Loves But Isn’t Loved Back

Once there was a girl with a brilliant smile and a heart stuffed with dreams.  She loved life and cherished every moment, all the time looking forward to what was next.  Her energy was infectious, making everyone round her feel slightly lighter, slightly happier. Then, she met him. He was charming and appeared like every

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Love Yourself The Way You Wish He Loved You

You want affection. You want attention. You want complete and unadulterated love. Everyone does. But here’s the issue: All of the things you’re thinking that you’ll only get once you discover the best man are things you possibly can really just give yourself. You wish that he would offer you a reason to live? Screw that.

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