October 13, 2024

Why Do “Interested” Men Disappear

So you were dating a man… or perhaps still within the “talking phase” and he seemed super into you. And you want him too which makes it even higher! And just while you were beginning to get enthusiastic about the chances of what lay ahead … he appears to be losing interest. Or perhaps he

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Dating Tips

7 Qualities Mature, High-Value Men Look For in a Woman

Most women complain there aren’t any good men on the market because they don’t understand one easy truth:  Different things attract high-value and low-value men.  For most men, all you’ve gotten to do is look good for them to make a move on you. But if you should keep a mature, intelligent, high-value man, it’s

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4 Dating Rules That Will Change Your Love Life As A Woman Forever (And Attract High-Quality Men)

Treat dating as a possible liability, not an automatic profit. Many women are conditioned to approach dating and relationships as if there’s a heightened sense of urgency to “find the one.”  As a result, they have an inclination to decide on partners out of a necessity for validation or to derive a way of self-worth

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Dating Tips

5 Nice Guy Mistakes Men Make With Women

In his book, The Art of Seduction, Robert Greene identified a serious flaw in how most men (and ladies) see the other sex. He said, To get a girl to concentrate to you, you’ll be able to’t rely on instincts or your hormones. They’ll only make you act in ways only men think. This is

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Dating Tips

What Happens When Men Chase Women? 

It is a basic principle of human nature that we’ll place a premium on a scarce resource. This is why the guy who consistently has beautiful women around, whether he dates them or not, goes to seem more attractive to women.  “Desire,” Robert Greene explained in The Art of Seduction, “is both imitative and competitive.”

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Viral TikTok Asked Women If Living With Men Was Worth It: Married Women Said “Absolutely Not!”

Recently, a girl on TikTok asked other women whether living with men could be something she could look ahead to in her life. Amidst over eight thousand comments, all the highest and most endorsed comments overwhelmingly said, “Absolutely not!” But essentially the most surprising a part of this? Many of the commenters saying “No” were

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Dating Tips

Avoid Getting Into A Relationship With These 8 Types Of Men  

Starting a brand new relationship will be exciting and a bit scary. You get to know someone recent and share special moments together.  But not everyone is likely to be the very best alternative for a partner. Some varieties of guys could make a relationship really tough, and it’s good to learn about them before

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Why High Quality Men Hate “Cool Girl” PickMes and Love “Crazy” Mean Women

For centuries, women have been gaslit into believing they’re “hysterical,” “emotional,” “crazy” and “needy” for having basic needs. That is why every time you hear a person prematurely call his ex crazy, you could have to ask yourself, “Was she really crazy or was she driven there? Was she always reactive or did he poke

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Dating Tips

5 Reasons why Women Leave the Men they Love

I went to see an acquaintance a short time ago. She had previously told me she was preparing for her wedding, so during a conversation, I casually asked, “how are wedding preparations going?” “Oh, I cancelled it”, she said “You cancelled your wedding?”, I asked in disbelief. She replied within the affirmative. “But why?” I

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Dating Tips

10 Things Women Do That Men Find Extremely Annoying

Understanding one another in a relationship can sometimes be tricky. And it’s because men and girls often have alternative ways of communicating and coping with emotions.  When these differences aren’t understood, they’ll result in frustration. This article lists ten things that girls often try this men find annoying.  These behaviors may cause misunderstandings and make

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