October 15, 2024

From Odysseus to Modern Day

In Homer’s Odyssey, composed across the eighth century BCE, we encounter the quintessential masculine hero, Odysseus. A decorated veteran of the Trojan War, he finds himself “imprisoned” in luxury on Calypso’s island. Despite the fabric comforts surrounding him, Odysseus is inconsolable, weeping as he longs for his wife and son. Fast forward to the twenty

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Dating Tips

8 Red Flags Men Avoid In Modern Women 

When it involves dating and relationships, everyone has things they fight to avoid.  For many men, certain behaviors in modern women may be big red flags. These red flags might make a man think twice about diving deeper right into a relationship. In this text, we’ll explore eight common red flags that usually send men

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45 Classic, Modern & Timeless Long Love Quotes to Inspire and Enthuse

Love has captivated artists, writers, and thinkers for hundreds of years. Explore their most inspiring long love quotes that also touch our hearts today. What do Renaissance painters, Greek philosophers, and country artists all have in common? An obsession with the topic of affection and writing long love quotes, after all. Throughout centuries of human

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