October 12, 2024

Why The Guy You Want Don’t Want You

Ever notice that the blokes you actually need don’t appear to want you at the identical level… and yet you easily and effortlessly attract the blokes you don’t actually need? It’s confusing and frustrating. Clearly, you could have redeeming qualities because there are some guys who want thus far you… it just doesn’t appear to be those that you just actually need. Why?

I asked this query to myself a lot once I was single and dating in my twenties. It was so confusing because at first, the blokes seemed super into me. It gave the look of once I reciprocated that things went off the rails and suddenly I used to be desperate and chasing as a substitute of being pursued.

This is something many, many ladies have experienced as well. Let’s have a look at it a little bit deeper…

It really comes right down to your vibe. What does that mean? Your vibe is your energy essentially, and that is created based on the thoughts you’re thinking that and your overall mindset. And most individuals can intuitively pick up on someone’s vibe. You know whenever you’re within the presence of an anxious, insecure person. You also know whenever you’re within the presence of a confident, glad person.

Being positive is a vibe; it’s an energy that comes across. You could be saying all the appropriate things, but when you feel negative inside, it can still come across. Our vibe attracts people or drives them away. This is why women often encounter the phenomenon of easily attracting guys they aren’t super into… and repelling the blokes who they do really like. 

When I posted about this on my Tik Tok, quite a lot of people within the comments said that if the blokes you wish don’t want you it’s since you’re going for guys “out of your league.” First, I don’t imagine in leagues. I believe those can easily be transcended and your “league” is more a mind-set than the rest, which could be modified. But I’m not talking about wanting a man from afar who doesn’t notice you. I’m talking a few guy who was genuinely thinking about you to start out, after which it suddenly looked as if it would shift.

Now sometimes it’s since it wasn’t a match. But when you notice this only happens with guys you really like and really wish to get serious with, well then it’s probably something else.

Why does this occur? Well, in a nutshell, with the blokes you don’t want, or the blokes you’re on the fence about, it’s easy to be glad and positive and uncensored since you don’t have much at stake. You don’t let worries or fears or insecurities enter the image since you’re not so attached to the consequence. Instead, you simply enjoy your interactions with this other person, and if it really works out, great. If it doesn’t, then that’s superb, too—you weren’t so into it anyway.

Now with the blokes you do want there may be more at stake. You actually need things to work out, and this prompts your fears … specifically, your fear that it won’t work. This leads you to think negative thoughts … you consider all the blokes you’ve liked previously and the way it didn’t work out with them, you dwell in your negative characteristics and worry that they’ll prevent you from getting the love you wish, you are worried obsessively that you’ll do something to cause this guy to lose interest.

This worry leads you to feel upset, and this may take several forms: feeling offended, nervous, self-conscious, paranoid, bitter, jealous, unworthy, silly, unlovable, etc. All of this comes from stressing over the connection. 

When you’re on this mind-set, it’s inconceivable to form a real connection since you’re not there. You aren’t present in your interactions with him, you’re interacting with the fearful thoughts in your individual mind, not with the person in front of you.

A number of the time once we like someone who doesn’t appear to reciprocate, it triggers something in us and we mistake this sense of being triggered for being in love. Maybe it brings up old childhood wounds, possibly it prompts your subconscious fears of not being adequate, of never finding love. You should step out of the emotional whirlpool of your individual thoughts and have a look at what’s really happening within you and why.

Over 90% of communication is non-verbal, so it doesn’t matter what you say, the way you truly feel speaks louder. The most vital thing to concentrate on is attending to the appropriate place internally. You must get a handle in your thoughts and begin difficult those that don’t serve you.

Start by noticing your thoughts throughout the day. Then have a look at the thought. Let’s say you’re thinking that, “This guy didn’t text me back… he must be losing interest. Why does this always happen to me?” Stop. Notice the thought. Then ask yourself: does this thought serve me well? Does this take me where I need to go?

If it’s bringing up feelings of fear, insecurity, anxiety, negativity, and so forth, then the reply is no. It’s not serving you well. Recognize that after which shift your mind to something more positive and productive.

Do this throughout the day. It may feel odd at first, but you’ll get used to it after which it can develop into like second nature. And you’ll notice that it becomes more natural and you are feeling lighter and calmer.

When you begin worrying about things falling apart, shift your focus and ask: “What if everything works out?”

Sometimes it’s that easy. When you are taking power away from these negative, frenzied thoughts, it puts you in a lighter, more positive headspace and it will make you magnetic. This is basically the crux of manifestation. It’s attending to that place of inner peace and calm and knowing things will work out … and whenever you’re on this space, they sometimes do.

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